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Politician Dumps Wife For Posting Too Many Rude Selfies Online


A politician in Ukraine has walked out on his wife after she had been posting several racy photos on her social media account.
Alena Politukha regularly shares rude selfies with her followers but now she says she has been left with nothing after her husband walked out on her and their child. She says he just went out the front door and never returned.
Her husband, who has now filed for divorce, is head of the local council and runs a business that makes soap. He has never commented on his wife's social media habits before but it's been heavily suggested to be linked to his sudden departure.
I am having a difficult time in my life at the moment. I am a mother. My husband and I have a son together. We have been married for 10 years. Suddenly my husband left home without any explanation at the end of the last year. He left me and our son without any livelihood or means of supporting ourselves.Alena Politukha
While she says she doesn't have any financial support right now, surely a modelling career is inevitably just around the corner for her?


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